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Elevate Your Existence:
90-Day Wellness Realignment

What is this?

A 12-week digital course promoting a holistic approach to wellness, informed by positive psychology principles.* 


Each week, you will receive a video lesson with exercises, resources (articles, TedTalks, podcasts, book recommendations), and a digital workbook, along with access to a private Facebook group for support (note: I get the love/hate relationship with social media; the FB group is optional, so you need not have it to participate).


Who is it for?

Anyone who has - or wants - a more holistic view of wellness and is looking for tangible ways to improve in the 8 pillars of wellness: physical, social, spiritual, occupational, emotional, intellectual, financial, and environmental. 


This is NOT a program that will do any of the following:

  • ask you to count calories;

  • promote weight loss as the goal;

  • suggest that walking 10,000 steps a day = health.

In fact, in our introduction week, I will review why none of those elements should be tied to "wellness." If you are at your "goal weight" and doing all of those things, but you have no support network, hate your job, are surrounded by chaos, or don't know where your money goes, you've got work to do before you can call yourself "well." This course will help you do that.


When does it start?

The first lesson (our introduction week) goes live on December 31, and the course runs through March 23. The program closes to new participants on January 10, as it is difficult to "catch up" at that point.


Why are you offering this?

I have taught barre classes for over a decade. From that perspective, I offered a July Wellness Challenge over the past few years. People have asked if I could run it at other times during the year, and maybe for longer than a month. 

Ask and you shall receive.

This course incorporates some of my most popular coaching tools and I know you will be better off for having done it.


*In a nutshell, positive psychology is the belief that people want more than an end to suffering. People want to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives, to cultivate what is best within themselves, to enhance their experiences of love, work, and play.

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